Clarence Drive Subdivision

Donaldson Civil won this tender and proceeded onsite in early 2022 as a subcontractor to Fulton Hogan for the Three Waters portion of this subdivision development.
A large drainage package was broken down into Five Stages, with the Stages that required the team to work on steeper slopes tackled first.
Two teams started the project, with the first stages needing a large bench cut into the side of the bank to enable level digging and a quality install of the pipelines.
One of these sections involved installing a 675mm Concrete Stormwater and 150mm PVC Sewer to a grade of 45% down a bank, to an existing set of manholes in a Culdersac Street.
Backfilling with excavated clay-based material and confirming to strict testing regime.
Other stages involved installing pipelines in a future roadway with a max depth of approx. 2.5m.
Watermain installation was completed mostly in a shared trench with Power and Fibre, this was 100mm to 200mm PVC and 63mm PE.
The line joined into a Pumpstation shed at one end of the site.