Mapua Water and Wastewater upgrade
As the project progressed the scope grew with a final contract value of $7.4 mil. Consisting of 3,200m of PE watermain between 180mm and 315mm, over 100 house connections and multiple connections with other watermains at intersections along the route. 2,000m of PE Wastewater main, with 4 x Wastewater pump station upgrades plus storage tanks at some of these sites.
All trenching was open cut, with a lot being in trench shields even at just over 1m deep, this posed some challenges for the site staff with some methodologies needing to be adjusted along the way to suit the ground conditions. All PE welding was performed in house by Donaldson Civil staff, with an estimate of over 400 welds performed on this project.
The area is very culturally sensitive being a main port during the 1800’s, the entire project had an iwi representative observing the digging in which just a couple of minor sites were found.
Overall this project has created great resiliency in a fragile network that was often being repaired, it has also enabled additional development in the area.