Our Projects
Wastney Terrace 450mm HD Drilling
Donaldson Civil was a subcontractor on this Nelson City Council Stormwater project. With the bulk of the contract being open trenched by others, our drilling team was called upon due to the alignment of the new pipeline needing to be under stretch of Mature Native...
Graham Valley South Branch Road Under Slip
A result of heavy Rainfall in the region during May 2023 this under slip on the road to the Mount Arthur carpark was put at the top of priority by DOC to ensure safety for trampers accessing the Kahurangi National Path. Donaldson Civil was engaged by Downer New...
The Cube on Queen
When our team first arrived at this site it was a bare 2.4ha paddock. During the summer of 2021/2022 the site was stripped of topsoil and filled by an average of 800mm across the site using imported quarry rock. During this operation approximately 13000T of hardfill...
Stafford Drive Slip Clearing and Rock Placement
After a large rain event that battered the Tasman District in August 2023 Stafford Drive become impassable for traffic with some 8000m3 of material slipped across the road. The Tasman Alliance who manages the Tasman District Council roading network was tasked with...
Rutherford Street Upgrade
Donaldson Civil teamed up with two other contractors to deliver this project on the main road into Nelson. This was a full servicing and roading upgrade with Donaldson Civil completing part of the Stormwater and Watermain works as a subcontractor to Fulton Hogan. The...
Milton St Power Upgrade
Donaldson Civil was the civil contractor on this project working for Power Services.The brief was to install new 11kV cables between two locations in The Wood area of Nelson, the cable would use a variety of ducts, new and old.This complimented our team’s skill set,...