Our Projects
Atawhai Drive Road Crossing
This pipeline across State Highway 6 North of Nelson was designed to carry all the runoff from a large development on the hill above, during a 1:100-year rain event. The pipe chosen was 1350mmm concrete line, with a large concrete outfall structure in the Atawhai...
Richmond South – Trunk Watermain
As part of Tasman District Council’s direct procurement process, this was a great project to be a part of as Donaldson Civil was involved from the design phase right through to completion and livening of the watermain. Several workshops took place between the design...
Champion Road – Minor Sewer Pipeline
A small project that managed to fit in well for the timing of the client and availability of suitable staff, this was completed during the dry summer months of February 2022 On a family property near Richmond, the 190m Sewer pipeline was constructed to cater for a...
Saxton Road – Commercial Site Works
The brief for this project was to transform the existing site which comprised of half grass field area and half seal carpark into the New Zealand post sorting center. Excavation and site filling comprised of 1,400m2 of topsoil carted offsite which was recycled to...
Gracefield Sewer
This was a shovel ready project given to Donaldson Civil by Nelson City Council as part of their direct procurement method, in which projects under $2.5mil were given to local companies to boost the economy after the effects of Covid-19. This project come in at...
Mapua Water and Wastewater upgrade
Won via an open competitive tender for the client Tasman District Council in late 2018, this project took a while to get off the ground as it was originally over budget. Donaldson Civil worked will TDC to adjust scope and come up with some cost saving initiatives to...